Click Install – WordPress + NGINX on Webuzo
While the LAMP stack is very popular (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP) for powering WordPress, a lot of people have started using Nginx in place of Apache. This tutorial aims to help those looking to configure WordPress with Nginx by a click with the Webuzo Application Manager. Nginx will do little for your WordPress-based website's performance. WordPress development is intertwined with the Apache world, and as a result, support for Nginx-based setups is limited; but it is growing. Nginx works perfectly well with a wide variety of applications, and WordPress is certainly one of them. NginX's configuration language is very powerful and straightforward if one is familiar with it, but often people coming from other servers are not sure how things work in NginX and just copy and paste whatever they see from a blog that seems to fill their needs. Webuzo Application Manager provides the complete package to setup the LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL and PHP ) Stack and WordPress just by a click of a button. The default installation of Webuzo serves Apache as the default Webserver. Quick guide to have LEMP setup by default. LEMP can be installed by a click for the Webuzo Enduser Panel as well as explained in the following tutorial. Webuzo further allows users to switch among webservers at any point of time by a click from the Webuzo Enduser Panel Getting Started 1) Install LEMP from the Webuzo Enduser Panel >> Apps >> Stacks Webuzo LEMP Install 2) Confirm whether the services are running from the Webuzo Enduser Panel >> Services Menu Webuzo Nginx Service 3) If you are unable to find NGINX in the services and Apache instead, you require to switch to NGINX as the webserver. Guide : Webuzo Switch Nginx 4) Well !!! Time to install WordPress. Find WordPress in the Webuzo Enduser Panel >> PHP >> Blogs >> WordPress Fill in the required details and hit Enter Webuzo Install WordPress 5) Access the WordPress Admin / Enduser Site WordPress Admin Site : Wordpress Admin Site

WordPress Enduser Site : Wordpress Site Hope that was easy !!! Webuzo DEMO : Note : Users can further configure Varnish/memcache/apc to improvise the performance of the site. NGINX CONF FILE LOCATION : /usr/local/apps/nginx/etc/conf.d/common Sources :
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