PHP 5.5 is now available in Webuzo
We are glad to announce a availability of PHP 5.5.1 with the new version of Webuzo. With it's one-click installation from the Apps category, you can now switch among THREE versions of PHP - PHP 5.3 / PHP 5.4 / PHP 5.5 Webuzo LAMP/LEMP Stacks are bundled in a way that include everything you need to run your favorite web apps and development frameworks and help you get started in minutes. You can get the download the Webuzo VM for your favorite application and get started from your desktop in just a few clicks. These stacks can also be quickly deployed on the AWS Amazon EC2 Cloud using the Webuzo Cloud Launcher. These new development stacks bundle the following main components: - PHP 5.5.1 - Apache 2.4.4 - MySQL 5.5.31 - phpMyAdmin 4.0.1 Switch among PHP versions from the System Utilities Menu in the Webuzo Enduser Panel. Guide : Webuzo PHP 5.5
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