Add Plan


This guide will show how you can create a Plan in Webuzo admin/reseller panel which can be assigned to users while adding/editing them. A plan is useful when you want to create multiple users with same set of resource assignment like Disk space, Bandwidth, Inode, MySQL database limits, FTP account limits, etc so you can just select a plan while adding a user to assign the selected resource restrictions.


A Plan can be created when you are logged into Webuzo panel as root or a reseller user.
1) Login to your Webuzo admin panel (e.g. and go to Add Plan page under Plans section in the left menu as shown in the screenshot below

Add plan

2) This will take you to the Add Plan page where you can choose the Plan Name, Assign Resources and much more.

Add Plan

3) Once you have created the plan you can assign the plan while adding/editing a user as shown in the screenshot below

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